I have yet to receive any pics for my mehndi ceremony yet. My relatives were so tired that while I sat the torturous hours of putting henna on my hand, some of my relatives decided to go have a shut eye while my brother and dad was busy with decorating the car to be used for the wedding day(picture). Well safe to say my mehndi was very uneventful and painless as Sharon, my mehndi professional did my mehndi so effortlessly and fast I did not have to sit for hours like some brides have to. She even wrote my husband's name on my palm. It was not hidden so as to make it very easy for my husband to find it. I kept on my mehndi for a total of 6 hours and when i scraped it off the colour was such a dark shade of red I was so happy. It is a believe that the darker the shade the more a mum-in law will love her daughter in law. The joke was that even before she put it on for me i told Sharon the colour is definitely gonna be the darkest shade of red because I already know that my mum in law loves me a lot. Don't believe me well wait n see the pics of my mehndi. Will post as soon as I get them. Then you tell me whether its true or not!