Monday, March 16, 2009
Wedding Day 3 7th March Arrival of Doli in KL
4 hours later the doli arrived back at my in laws place in Petaling Jaya. I was given a traditional sent off from my house and also a very traditional welcome at my in laws house. As my hubby and me walked into the porch, I set my eyes
on a beautiful two tier royal icing cake which was decorated with red roses and adorned with a bride and a groom on top. Needless to say my in laws were happy to see both of us back. I had a tearful send off at my place and here I got a tearful reception as my mum in law cried when she ushered us into the house. Festivities carried on till late up until my husband looked as if he wd collapse into sleep sitting on the chair. After all that were supposed to be done completed, we were asked to go and
retire for the nite. I am still amused at my husband reactions when I attempted to take off my scarf (that heavy 1 ton veil of mine). He was amazed at he number of pins I was pulling out of my head and there came a point he told me 'enough la how many pins u gonna pull out from your head?'. I counted there were more than 40 pins stuck into my head and once all those came off so did the 1 tonne veil which I proceeded to put on my husband's head. All he could say was 'aiyo so heavy a?' Heheheheheh he is so cute!