Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names. (Quote by author -- Proverb)
I could not believe what my hand phone screen was displaying on June 25th (Malaysian Time) 2009. It took some time to sink in that Micheal Jackson, the man that the world christened King Of Pop had actually passed on to meet his maker. I had come to know about MJ back in the 80ties when I had accidentally stumbled upon a cassette lying in my uncle's room. It had no label so I had no idea what it was. Being a curious kid I seeked the assistance of the then popular 'walk man' and within minutes of me hitting the play button I heard my first MJ song that until today brings back all lovely memories of being a child way back in the 80ties. I am so very proud that the first 2 songs that endeared me to MJ was none other than Beat It and Billy Jean. What music, what vocals......amazing just amazing. MJ had a hold over me just with those two songs and back then I was just a small kid knowing very little about music. Imagine if he cd have a hold over a child, the magnitude of hold over the rest of the world certainly is befitting with the title 'King of Pop' that he shall forever be known as. Rest in Peace Micheal!