Well, my husband and I hit upon a plan to order a normal cake go hunt for a action figurine which my nephew likes and stick it on the cake. Plan on paper sounded fantastic but our searches were drawing a blank. Either the figurines were to small to be place on the cake or that my nephew had already acquired them thus killing the surprise. Forlorn and about to give up going down aisle after aisle, we decided to give one aisle a finall look out and lo behold we founf a perfect X men Wolverine figurine that wd look excellent on the cake and one that I was sure my nephew didn't have but wd love to acquire. So ithout much tought into it we bought it. Now started a whole new list of worries. How wd we stick it into the cake as the figurine was big. My worry was that it wd not hold due to its weight and wd fall and with it ruin the cake also. Anyways, my hubby being the optimistic one, told me not to worry and get some sleep which is what he did! I spent the night worrying (pessimistic to the core).
The moment of truth finally arrived when we collected the cake and sped off to the venue of the celebrations, Thai Restaurant Tong Kum. My worries were all put to rest when Baljit and Poon (co-owners of the wonderful Tong Kum Thai Reastaurant) helped us stuff wolverine into the cake and let it set in the freezer till it was time to roll out the cake after our sumptious Thai dinner. How did it go? Well I wont say anything, just judge it for urself? Boy was my nephew surprised as he got to eat his cake and keep it also (the gift). HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAJDIP!
The moment of truth finally arrived when we collected the cake and sped off to the venue of the celebrations, Thai Restaurant Tong Kum. My worries were all put to rest when Baljit and Poon (co-owners of the wonderful Tong Kum Thai Reastaurant) helped us stuff wolverine into the cake and let it set in the freezer till it was time to roll out the cake after our sumptious Thai dinner. How did it go? Well I wont say anything, just judge it for urself? Boy was my nephew surprised as he got to eat his cake and keep it also (the gift). HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAJDIP!