Many married people love weddings. The logic behind it is that
they just get a thrill to welcome more unaware singles into the tangled web of marriage. They get the thrill to see another single bite dust and get locked in. The more they enroll onto the marriage bandwagon the merrier for them I suppose. Many believe in the adage "Why shd I suffer alone". Jokes aside I love weddings. I love attending weddings as it is so nice to see 2 people brave to admit that yes this is the person I want to marry, it takes a brave person to say I do actually and venture into the unknown. Anyways having missed out on New Year's Eve and New Year celebrations as I
was still resting at home till 12.1.2011 recovering from my bout of sickness, my husband suggested we attend a wedding in Singapore on the 15.1.2011. I was excited as it was to be held at Wada Gurdwara in Towner Road adjacent to seranggon Road. For years I have passed that temple and marvel at it from the outside but never had the chance to look at it from the inside. This was my chance and I was not letting it go!

So on 15th morning we met up with Kuldips' caca and his wife and in 2 cars we made our way to Singapore braving the JB and Sinapore causeways and jam on a Saturday morning. The temple was still under slight reno but still beautiful. The darbar sahib is so big it could accomodate numerous cicket teams. Anyways Caci and I sat in front in order to see the wedding clearly. The kirtan jatha were so good, their voice boomed in the whole darbar sahib. The significance of the pela ceremony and the meaning of the 4 lavan were explained in english by the groom's uncle just before the wedding rituals went on. By 11.45, the wedding was over and then was the most anxiously awaited itenary, LUNCH! Kuldip's stomach is like an alarm clock which goes crunch, crunch, crunch when its past 12pm. Even at home lunch must be ready by latest 12.30pm if not I can hear him and his stomach growl!
Lunch was nice and over with after which caci suggested shopping at
Mustaffa's. We went around Mustaffa's for 2 hours (1.15pm to 3.15pm) then met up for cha and toom our leave promising to meet again at 10am tom for breakfast. ( we invited them to our place since they haven't been to our new home yet). we continued our journey towards JB but decided to stop over at Woodlands to do some quick shopping for some household items. Well, when husband is in a good mood and willing to spend you NEVER say no! I didn't and came home with 2 handbags!

Our day didn't end there as we had to clean up the house a little before caca and caci's visit tom. I shamelessly gave my mum (the saviour) a call and borrowed her domestic help Kia to help us out and with her we manage to make the house spick and span within an hour. Sent her back, had dinner at my parents place and decided to call it a night. By the time we hit the bed at 11pm we were drained. It was a long day which started from 6.30am till 11pm and boy o boy were we glad when it was over! The next day 16th, we guided caca and caci back to our place. Had tea and roti canai after which they left at 12pm making their journey back to Malacca. Lunch was at my parents place again and we were there till about 4pm. Once back home we relaxed the rest of the day to recover from the hectic weekend that had just passed. Sleep came easy to us 2 tired humans and our lights were out by 10pm to prepare for the next day's Monday blues. The weekends always comes and goes just like dis. Dis one also was not very different but eventful. A wedding, Shopping and Cha!

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