Sitting pretty on my dressing table is my first ever vanity case which now holds all kinds of makeup. Well let me admit I have never been a makeup person. All I used to carry was my facial powder and my lipstick. I doubt anyone can blame me, being the only daughter and growing up with a brother I was never into makeup. I hated making up or dressing up. I always preferred my jeans and t shirts than dresses and shorts. Actually it is only when I got registered is when I changed and moved more towards making up and dressing up so naturally I taught that my lip stick and my powder is what I was going to take along when my doli leaves but suddenly the heavens parted and lightning began to strike in the form my mum's never ending nags. So after hemming and hawing I went out and bought this little/big possession. A vanity case ( since it holds makeup I feel it should be called vainity as in 'vain') that now holds all the make up that I will ever need. My mum being my mum felt that this case that I purchased was to big to lug around all the way to KL so she got my dad to buy me another one while he was on his overseas trip and dad came back with a small cute green one (pictures to be uploaded soon) that mum filled with all the makeup so thinks I will need. Well just to keep them both happy I am currently using both but my daily one is this one that I bought cause it holds everything I need.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Finally all packing over!
More wedding updates.......
After weeks of my mum running after me to get all 21 of my wedding suits packed, I heaved a huge sigh of relief on Saturday when I wrapped the final 21st suit to be added to the many many suits (stitched and unstitched ones that I have). It gave me great pleasure to stack all of the suits into the gigantic bag that my mother bought (when my husband saw the bag he commented that it could even fit me......hmmmm for some strange reason I pictured myself being murdered and my body disposed off in that very bag by my husband..........since he suggested it!). Even more so joy I felt when I tied the bow on the bag which indicates one less work to worry about. I also manage to cajole my mum to separate all the stuff according to occasions and pack it in a plastic and label it so that when we do delegation duties it would be easier so even that is done.
Well anyways glad to report that 21 suites now sit safely in a huge red bag not to be touched till the day of the wedding! We one family even sat down
on Saturday morning and mapped out duties to be carried by each and everyone and might dare I say on paper it looks all so calm, cool composed and systematic but on that day all I can say is God knows!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
The gift of love!
George Eliot
Honestly I always felt Valentines Day has been grossly overrated. Why must there be just a day when everyone shows their loved ones how much they loved them and that too with extremely expensive gifts and equally obscene over priced flowers? Why cant everyday be a valentines day where we show love to the person we love thru caring words, mock fights, making up, pampering thru acts which in truth doesn't cost anything but a sweet smile and time. Valentines Day used to hold a lot of meaning to me when I was a giggly
teenager in school but once age caught up and responsibilities heightened the necessity to celebrate this day no longer existed. To top up that was that when u are single basically you have no one in particular to spend your day with.
But this year was different. I was actually looking forward to this day because i wanted to spend it with my hubby. It was our first Valentines Day together so although both were tired we took an effort to go out for dinner (nothing fancy......just simple indian food), spend some time together. Since both of us were tired we were not out very late but just the feeling of spending time on V day eve was good enough for me. After whispering sweet nothings over the phone the both of us dozed off into slumber land with the sweetest smile and the most contented heart. The next day I was greeted by my husband at my parents place with a big teddy paper bag which contained the loveliest gifts. I am very sentimental when it comes to gifts. I still have gifts that I had received when I celebrated my 21st birthday which was like 10 years ago (now all know my age!). The gift my hubby gave me is very close to my heart more so because it was my first V Day gift I have received in years n that too by my hubby with whom I am celebrating my first V Day with. I was elated. I didn't know my hubby was that romantic as he has always come across as someone very practical and prudent with his money. Having said that this makes his gifts even more special to me than any priceless gold in the world as this comes straight from his heart. I call it the gift of love! I LOVE U HUBBY!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Aeshlyn Turns One

Asli bahar to ab aayehai
Jo hamari nanhi si Aeshlyn leke aaye hai
Hamari dua hain ke yeh bahar sade bani rahe
Aur hamari Aeshlyn hamesha muskurati rahe!
Happy 21st Birthday Jas!
I ask him now he most probably wont remember. Anyhow my biggest achievement that night was when i manage to cajole my hubby to shake a leg on the dance floor with me. Y I call it my biggest achievement? Well because I cd not even manage to get him anywhere near the dance floor during our registration/engagement. Once he sniffed out my intentions he ran one mile away. Alas I was left to shake a leg on my own! In short it was a wonderful function and everyone enjoyed themselves to the max. I wonder y there appears to be a halo on my head in one of the pics though! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY JAS!
Friday, February 13, 2009
My new look......Love it!
Well as I said I had the guts to go and surrender my head to the hairdresser for a hair makeover. First she started cutting my hair and my heart came to my throat looking at the amount she was cutting ( I need my hair to tie a bun for my wedding...remember?). Then as she was being snip snip happy all I was imagining was my mum's face when she sees how much has been chopped off. She may well just make me bald by the looks of it. Before my heart cd leap out of my mouth thankfully Chinese women scissors hand decided she has had enough with cutting so she decided to follow up with the curlers. So she did and whilst waiting for an hour (the worst hour of my life dis has to be!), my heart had the time to travel back from my mouth back to my heart. Then came another disaster, the curlers came off and my heart that was happily resting back in my chest decided to do a double somersault. Oh my God the disaster in the name of hairstyling had occurred here and I was paying money for this. However after washing and further styling with hair gel, my hair I must say now makes me look different but not a disaster. After passing a night I liked my look when I got up yesterday and whether others agree or not I think I look sexy. Its not important what people think its more important how you feel about yourself and I love my new look!
Chinese Woman Scissors hand not that bad after all!
Miscalculation...No wonder I almost failed maths!
Due to the countdown that has begun like a never ending ticking clock my natural defences have also slumped to an all time low. Yesterday whilst driving to Batu Pahat for work purposes I suddenly realised that I had miscalculated the countdown days and its not 24 days because thanks to the invisible hands of God February only has 28 days. How did I realise this, well there is also a story behind this.
It all boils down to the redoxen tablets that my dear friend Alicia had recommended to me when she found out my stress levels were about to burst thru my head. Taking her advice for trial purposes I went to Guardian and got my self a small bottle of redoxen that contains ten tablets for a try out ( so close to the wedding cant afford to be breaking out into unwanted medical issues). Well I religiously have been taking one tablet a day and yesterday whilst driving I decided to just count the number of tablets left and lo and behold there were only three out of ten left. I know ppl wd say my maths is not that so good but 10-7 equals 3 that I definitely know so which means 7 days= 1 week has safely passed by without me even noticing and therefore my countdown days have been miscalculated! Well so much for Redoxen reducing my stress levels it just helped to increase it ten folds more.
Well will be right back with my next post on my new look after my hairstyling fiasco. Need to go drink my redoxen now cause typing this blog and reading it over just increased my stress levels again!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Our Wedding Cards

Papa's little darling

While rummaging I also found pictures of me when I was small. Posting them here just for memories. 31 years ago I was born to Hardip & Dave....31 years later I go on to become Mrs Kuldip Singh, stepping into our new life as husband n wive together. New life, new challenges which we have to make sure we over come come what may because our marriage is for keeps.
The countdown begins... a summary of our impending wedding

Today I embark on doing my hair after work. Which means after sitting in the office the whole day I will have to sit and surrender my head to the hairdresser for her to either to a remarkable job or make me look like Frankenstein. Any which ways I shall post more on dis issue tom once I am convinced I don't look like a poodle dog after a bath! Next shall be my facial which is fixed for the 3rd and follwing that on the 4th I shall pamper my feet and fingers with a manicure and pedicure.
My wedding ceremonies proper shall start with the arrival of my relatives from KL on the 4th of March. I have been instructed to take leave from that day as people often believe that a bride or groom's blood is sweet during this time and in order to avoid any mishaps I shall be confined within the 4 walls of my home like an ISA detainee. 4th of March wd be a time when last minute discussions and delegations are to happen and relatives shall be told what their duties are in this whole wedding shenanigan. No one can be left out lest they are angered so everyone will have something or other to do. Its during this time I believe that the wedding sweets shall also be packed with the help of family and relatives from near and far. They shall be well treated to the sweets also whilst they busy themselves packing.
After that out of the way on the 5th of March 2009 at 10am I shall be subjected to a ceremony with is akin to an oil bath (maiyaan). Well I have regarded this as a time relatives take their revenge on you for what so ever wrong you have ever done to them by rubbing your whole body with kunyit and oil and then take the liberty to stuff your mouth with sweet rice until the whole plate is finished. Now its the time I shall attempt to sit and remember all those bad things I have ever done to my relatives and make sure I apologise for them before they get a chance to come near me with their kunyit filled hands and spoons full of sweet rice. This bullying session thankfully doesn't last very long!
Proceeding this shall be the mehndi ceremony where my hands and feet shall be decorated with henna and it shall be left to dry for almost 4-6 hours. Olden day folks believe that the darker the henna colour that comes out that is the amount my mother-in law shall love me. Hmmm wait and watch! Once i have already been subjected to the torture of sitting for 6 hours I will have to be ready for the ceremony where my maternal uncles and wives shall put on the wedding bangles on my hands. I have bought a nice red colour box of wedding bangles (chuda) to match my red colour wedding suit. The bangles shall be dipped in milk and handed over to my uncle for him to slip it into my hands. Sounds painless but God help me cause as the bangles are shaped according to the hand structure and is course it shall cut me for sure. Band Aid to the rescue!
Well all this done I do look forward for the 6th cause till 4pm upon when the janj's (groom's side) arrive I am free to prance around and irritate all those busy doing work. They cant even scold me cause it is after all my day! Oh what fun that wd be! Anyways I shall be whisked away to the confines of my room as soon as the groom's side arrive so that my face can be painted and I can be ready for the sangeet (dinner and dance) which is scheduled for 7pm on the same day at Royal Johor Country Club (RJCC). Whilst I shall be busy getting myself dolled up, the official meeting ceremony of the two families (the milni) shall be in full force downstairs with all my relatives surrounding to get a glimpse of my groom to be in his turban and beard ( what a sight that wd be). That out of the way the grooom's side shall be treated to tea and escorted to their hotel rooms for a brief rest only to emerge for later in full force at the sangeet venue at 7pm. Here is where the fun actually starts and I plan to dance the night away. My husband and myself have decided that to make things more special, we shall be combining our jaago and I really hope this shall double the fun. Its always fun when families get together to do things. As I said wait and watch!
6th over and now we come to the D big day! March 7th which also happens to be my cousin Kelvin's birthday. My dad has told me that i have to be ready and punch card in temple by 9am latest and when my Dad instructs you better make sure its done! Generally the wedding ceremony has to be concluded by 12pm so by 12pm on 7th March i wd have gone thru all my marriage vows and getting ready for lunch.Lunch is at 1pm at RJCC also followed by the sending off ceremony at my residence at 3pm. Saying goodbye is never easy and although i shall be living a stone throw away from my parents even after my wedding, deep down inside I know things are not going to be the same. Well in a nutshell that is going to be my wedding itinerary. Wow a full packed hectic 3 days I have to say and this is not including the plans of my husband's side family when the wedding party reaches back to KL after the wedding on 7th March at 6pm.. Well from now till March 7th I shall be posting much more happenings re my wedding as i wan to document everything. Weddings are special and shd be documented for years down the road these are the memories that will remain.
So till my next post.....keep smiling!
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