There is this famous saying that there is a lull before the storm. I always
thought months leading up to my wedding would be
event less which would give me enough time to prepare n weekends
cd be used carefully to see to every little detail of my own wedding. How wrong I was. Normally functions held by relatives
wd be far n few in between and we
wd actually be asking the next person when is there going to be any function just so that we can meet up and catch up on things. Well even with the most high tech
gizmos now days with busy schedules catching up is almost impossible on a
daily or weekly basis. Anyways I should not digress into how busy life has become because then that itself
wd take the whole day. Coming back to events. Well dis year started off with
Jasi's 21st birthday. Only yesterday he was a boy running around in pampers/diapers n now he is 21 years old. Safe to say that party was a blast and even more so for me because this time I was accompanied by my hubby rather than having to go alone. Not only did he accompany me but I was also pampered throughout the function by him. Although I do wonder why his mouth was open when he was actually feeding me. Well those can be categorised as unsolved mysteries cause even if

I ask him now he most probably wont remember. Anyhow my biggest achievement that night was when i manage to cajole my hubby to shake a leg on the dance floor with me. Y I call it my biggest achievement? Well because I cd not even manage to get him anywhere near the dance floor during our registration/engagement. Once he sniffed out my intentions he ran one mile away. Alas I was left to shake a leg on my own! In short it was a wonderful function and everyone enjoyed themselves to the max. I wonder y there appears to be a halo on my head in one of the pics though! HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY JAS!
Smile always