More wedding updates.......
After weeks of my mum running after me to get all 21 of my wedding suits packed, I heaved a huge sigh of relief on Saturday when I wrapped the final 21st suit to be added to the many many suits (stitched and unstitched ones that I have). It gave me great pleasure to stack all of the suits into the gigantic bag that my mother bought (when my husband saw the bag he commented that it could even fit me......hmmmm for some strange reason I pictured myself being murdered and my body disposed off in that very bag by my husband..........since he suggested it!). Even more so joy I felt when I tied the bow on the bag which indicates one less work to worry about. I also manage to cajole my mum to separate all the stuff according to occasions and pack it in a plastic and label it so that when we do delegation duties it would be easier so even that is done.
Well anyways glad to report that 21 suites now sit safely in a huge red bag not to be touched till the day of the wedding! We one family even sat down
on Saturday morning and mapped out duties to be carried by each and everyone and might dare I say on paper it looks all so calm, cool composed and systematic but on that day all I can say is God knows!